A device that provides heat energy from a source of heat to a required destination, such as a room, is known as a heat pump. These pumps are designed in the manner that they move heat energy from a lower to higher temperature area. Freezers and air conditioners are also examples of heat pumps. They are designed for either space heating or space cooling. There are a variety of heat pumps available in the market. Two most commonly used heat pumps are gas absorption heat pumps and electric heat pumps.
These days everyone has a heat pump installed in their home and office areas to maintain optimum and desired temperature inside. However, the task does not merely ends at buying and getting the device installed. Maintenance is also very essential. You need to understand that getting warranty on your heat pump can bring down maintenance costs. When you go buying for a good quality heat pump from a trusted manufacturer, they tend to offer warranty on their product for a certain time period after installation. To avail for warranty, you first need to undergo product registration which is a simple and quick process. It can be done over phone.

In case you heat pump stops functioning properly or is showing signs of defect and declining performance, you can get in touch with the manufacturer via contact information available on their website or product box. You will have to provide them with necessary information such as when did you purchase the product and from which dealer, the precise model number of the product, when was the heat pump installed, what problems you are facing, etc. After a little bit of such enquiry, the manufacturer generally sends a professional engineer to have a look at your heat pump and determine the cause of the problem. Before the engineer starts working on the issues, you need to show the warranty card as a proof that the product is still covered within the time period.
If the problem can be fixed, the engineer heeds to it then and there. If the issue is more complex and time consuming, he may uninstall the heat pump and take it back to the facility to get it repaired. It may take some time depending on the problem. Just in case, the product is found to be completely damaged at inspection (the damage must not be because of the carelessness on the part of the consumer), the manufacturer may replace it with a new one.
Majority of the heat-pump manufacturers offer limited warranty and have very strict guidelines about what is to be covered under warranty and what is not. However, there are a few that allow you to extend warranty period when it is about to elapse by paying a small amount. But this is often optional. It is recommended to make purchase from the manufacturer that offers warranty extension and avail for extended warranty as it can prove to be very beneficial and money saving.
Author Bio
The author of this article is associated with Global Energy Systems and write various articles related to Heat Pumps UK and its benefits.
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